Dobbs Ferry Automove en Dobbs Ferry

Estados UnidosDobbs Ferry Automove



🕗 horarios

241, Broadway, 10522, Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-693-3344
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.011724, Longitude: -73.876193

comentarios 5

  • Ruth Dempster

    Ruth Dempster


    They get the job done. Reliable and dependable.

  • en

    Captain Creole


    The man running this place tells you exactly how it is and will not tell you otherwise. If you need to make changes he will let you know and you will always drive away with a better car. It's hard to find an honest man on the auto industry. This shop is a mark of excellence. [Edit]: My friend who worked here and made this such a great shop has moved on to other work. I went once for an oil change and that's how I found out he wasn't there. The tone and candor of this place as significantly changed. Looked for a better shop and found an excellent one.

  • en

    Liz Pastor


    Look for Lou awesome mechanic very nice honest people

  • Luis Pastor

    Luis Pastor


    Fair & honest repairs !

  • Amanda Grey-Rodriguez

    Amanda Grey-Rodriguez


    Great and honest people, taking care of your car. I never pay more than necessary. Love this spot!

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