Appliance World en Huntington

Estados UnidosAppliance World



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414, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-418-1000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.868118, Longitude: -73.42508

comentarios 5

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    Andrea Kayam


    Katie was very professional, patient and knowledgeable! She seemed genuinely interested in our project and listened to our needs. She is a valuable salesperson! Our first week in our kitchen one of the appliances needed a service call. Appliance World responded to us immediately and tried to expedite the appointment for us. We really appreciated their service and know that we are in good hands should we have any issues. We highly reccomend them !

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    Tom Vecchione


    Pleasure to deal with. They have a Great selection and prices. JP, our salesman was great . He gave us really good advice and helped us pick out some top of the line appliances and helped us save money by going with package pricing . When we needed to change out a dishwasher, no problem you could change our mind basically up to delivery and no hassles. Delivery was quick and they took everything out of boxes and took garbage away. They were super accommodating throughout process, overall a pleasure to work with I Would definitely use the again.

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    Christopher S


    Great service and selection! The staff and owner are friendly and knowledgeable about their products. They do not push anything. They are happy to help in any way possible and offer a great shopping experience. They even demonstrate the kitchen appliances as they have several working kitchens and provide their customers with a cooking lesson and a meal. We have told everyone we know who are looking for appliances to try them out. I don't think you could possibly be disappointed. Delivery was perfectly scheduled and on time. Simply the best service ever!!

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    Teresa Smith


    I had a wonderful experience working with the staff and having my questions and concerns addressed the first time I called. Katie was my sales person and very helpful in making my selection. The entire staff would jump in to help, answer any question or schedule my installation. I would highly recommend Appliance World to my anyone .

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    Susan Collica


    I had a fantastic experience with Appliance World in Huntington. Brendan, our salesperson, was so helpful and the customer service is excellent! They really went above and beyond correcting some minor issues I had with my new appliances. Their prices were comparable to the big box stores. We just went to the complimentary cooking demonstration that they offer with an oven purchase and it was wonderful. A full dinner with wine prepared by a professional chef! Amazing!

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