Sobel Service Center en Huntington

Estados UnidosSobel Service Center



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431, New York Avenue, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-499-3355
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8675334, Longitude: -73.4252707

comentarios 3

  • en

    Joe Mattera


    Is this location ever open? Every time I stop or drive by the store is always closed.

  • en

    Virginia Laskaris


    This is a family-owned business and, from what I've learned, has been around for gazillion years. There are three locations on the Island. It all sounds nice so far, right? However, the character who runs the Huntington (NY Avenue) shop is about as condescending an individual as I've ever met in my life. He is rude, abrupt, non-informative and just plain nasty. There are some people who simply are not meant to deal with the public. This is one such guy. As another reviewer wrote, just keep looking for any other shop and avoid this one like the plague. No one needs to be treated poorly for no apparent reason. He treated my husband like garbage (for no reason whatsoever) and then, wanting to see for myself, he did the same thing to me when I went in to ask a question about my vacuum. Beware.

  • Rob Michaels

    Rob Michaels


    Poor - Do some research on the web before dealing with these guys and pick another store or service center. Don't waste your time with Sobel.

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