Adesso The Salon w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneAdesso The Salon



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255, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-333-8550
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.758158, Longitude: -73.588175

komentarze 5

  • Madiha Atif

    Madiha Atif


    Professionalism was at its peak at this place. I was amazed how everyone was a pro at every thing and didn't have to wait on another person to finish out a service. I was very impressed and I had my complete package done by Nooreh who was an absolute sweetheart. I loved the atmosphere and how the staff was polite and friendly. It was a beautiful experience. Shout out to Nooreh for the amazing work she did. Keep up the good work. A definite recommendation! 😊

  • en

    subhadra nori


    The salon was big . It was neat and people were very friendly and they provided one on one detailed attention .we spent almost 2 hours there and Came out satisfied .The price was reasonable.It can also be in one stop shopping since they also have nails ,manicure ,pedicure ,and waxing .

  • Gina Arms

    Gina Arms


    Best place around for everything from hair to nails to make up application! Adesso's appeal is that the staff treat clients like family: they know everyone by name and are very welcoming. AnnMarie is my stylist and she does a fantastic job: I often get asked where I get my hair done and am always happy to refer the folks at Adesso. Dana is an amazing manicurist, hands down, and also does an awesome make up application for special occasions. This is one of the area's best kept secrets. Kudos to Frank and Donna, and their team for doing such great work!

  • Chandani Ramkishun

    Chandani Ramkishun


    I had a simple haircut done by Britney and it was just fabulous! I went on a Wednesday during the early afternoon and they took me in immediately with little wait time. I got a hair wash and cut and blow dry. Looking at my hair after the cut gave me so much confidence and I absolutely love how it came out. She asked me what I wanted and didn't cut too much of my hair off and made sure I was satisfied along the way. Highly recommend!

  • Karen Arkin

    Karen Arkin


    I've been having my hair colored at this salon for years. Very friendly staff and environment. I always feel comfortable when I'm here. Prices seem reasonable as well.

najbliższy Salon piękności

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