Queen's Nails w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneQueen's Nails



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213, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-338-0053
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7562964, Longitude: -73.5881043

komentarze 5

  • en

    joan hamilton


    Could be better

  • keya sanchez

    keya sanchez


    Workers are nasty and disrespectful. I asked a simple question and instead of an I don’t know or we don’t have it he started talking to his co worker with an attitude then I was verbally attacked by another customer for explaining there was no need for him to respond the way he did to my questions and statements.will never do my nails here again. Worst place.

  • en

    Roshneek Bains


    Great place, clean and quick

  • en

    Amelia Jenkins


    I came here 3 times. All for the SNS: 1st time: nice work, however the nail was extremely thick. Lasted a month. 2nd time: came for my wedding nails. Different tech. Nails were great. Got first pedicure. Not so great,polish was chipping in day 2 and my feet were peeling. I don't have rough feet by the way. 3rd time: came back for SNS and I swear it was terrible. The SNS has a top coat that you put on top and it wouldn't dry because it was old. They were putting polish thinner in the bottle and they kept going over it making the nail thicker and the brush was spraying hairs. It took 2 hours to dry. The pedicure was terrible. I paid for the 55 dollar one with the massage and it was suppose to be 10 minutes. It was 6, and softest massage she would have just tickled my feet with a feather. The SNS last 2 days before it was peeling off of my nails. The customer service is good but don't half ass the service and replace the products as needed. Also, stop putting cold water in the manicure bowls and please soak the nails before taking the SNS off. They don't do this instead the use a MetroCard to take it off with a combo of the electronic filer. Its uncomfortable. Also got my eyebrows done here and I told her lady specifically just to clean and keep the hair as thick as possible. When she was done, my eyebrows were so far apart they were playing hide n seek with my ears, I have gaps in the eyebrow and the tail doesn't think out gradually instead it bluntly stops. I will not be going back.

  • Shelby Lewis

    Shelby Lewis


    This place is horrible. Iv'e gone here before for a basic fill in and it was fine, but today was atrocious. I payed 35$ for a full set and when I tell you I could have bought a Sally Hansen at home acrylic kit and gotten my cat to do it, it would have looked the same. The technique is all wrong. My nails were lumpy, not in a coffin shape, more like an amorphous oval. I asked for French, they were not lined up at all and not buffed out. I went to back to my normal nail salon after because I couldn't even let anyone see the mess on my fingertips and they literally laughed aft how bad they were. Never Ever again!! Do not go here unless for a basic pedicure or manicure, and to be honest they might even mess that up too.

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