JessiKa's Beauty Salon w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneJessiKa's Beauty Salon



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55, Post Avenue, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-333-8080
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7498493, Longitude: -73.5879859

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stacey Bruns


    I was going to a woman who has cut my hair for years. I heard about JessiKa's salon from several people and decided to give it a try. I scheduled an appt with Edwin and was immediately greeted with a smile. He listened to me regarding the cut I wanted and I barely had to explain; he knew exactly what I wanted. From the time he started I had a smile on my face. He was so professional and the confidence I felt while watching him cut increased with every cut. When he was done I was so happy that I decided then and there JessiKa's Salon is my new place and Edwin is my new stylist. I met the owner before I left and knew immediately by her professionalism I made the right choice. Everyone should give this place a try. They do coloring, all types of cuts and nails. First class all the way!

  • en

    Leslie Carroll


    Jessica is the best! Always love the color and cut she does for me.

  • en

    Leslie Carroll


  • Miss Ebony

    Miss Ebony


    First I walked in and everyone said hello. Best first impression! It's decorated nicely and well lit. The young woman was a perfect hostess. Offered to take my coat, checked me in for my appt, advised the manicurist was just finishing up but she'd be with me shortly, then offered me a seat. There was a variety of music playing in the background, r&b, pop & disco very relaxing & clean atmosphere. Professional staff, friendly and welcoming. The manicurist took her time, cleaned my nails and gave me a nice powder manicure that I really like. I was asked if everything went well during my visit and as I answered then I say again, it was one of the best salon experiences I've had in a long time. I have one small critique, the open space in the manicure table for your legs is very narrow. For long period sitting not very comfortable. However, that can be improved. I'll will be back in 3 weeks!

  • Helen Ordonez

    Helen Ordonez


    Excellent service!!! Everyone welcomes you as family!!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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