7-Eleven i Euless

Forenede Stater7-Eleven



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3011 State Hwy 121, Euless, TX 76039, США
kontakter telefon: +1 817-571-7278
internet side: www.7-eleven.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.8809012, Longitude: -97.1002934

kommentar 5

  • en

    Manuel Armendariz


    Disgusting if you care about your children stay far away from this place I would never take my daughter to that restroom again this place should be burned down

  • Bill M

    Bill M


    Friendly staff. This is the location with the amazon prime locker drop off..

  • en

    german dario rodriguez daza


    Very often receipts outside are lot loaded. Now also $1,5 air ! Last time I come here

  • Conrad Gage

    Conrad Gage


    Always clean bathrooms. Well stocked fresh and hot food. The current rewards program makes a big difference to someone like me who is constantly driving because of my job.

  • en

    Larry Lychester


    Crap store... it smells like mold and was filthy. I got a can of beer from the cooler and the top was covered with dust. The door handle left something greasy on my hand and I had to go to the nasty bathroom (it had sh** on the floor and walls) to wash my hands. I tried to use the sink near the coffee stuff, but it didn't work. All in all, a dump worthy of an award for disrepair and neglect.

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