E-Z Mart i Bedford

Forenede StaterE-Z Mart



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1552, Bedford Road, 76021, Bedford, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-283-6802
internet side: e-zmart.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.8436774, Longitude: -97.1432636

kommentar 5

  • en

    D Mac


    Always friendly and helpful

  • en

    Jim Bell


    Everyone is very nice and friendly!

  • Cody Whatley

    Cody Whatley


    Its been there for many years. Your experience will be different depending on who's holding down the fort. On appearance and upkeep...ill hit Valero across the street.

  • Charles Middleton

    Charles Middleton


    I work here. I can say for a fact that the employees are not rude. I will admit there is one employee who WAS training to be a manager that will threaten to call the police id you longer in the parking lot. She is NOT a manager though. The Manager is named Sherina and she is VERY VERY polite. So please do not hesitate to report any issues to get or the ASST manager Buttercup. From firsthand experience I can tell you that I've never received a complaint about any of the employees in the store, let alone the management. If there were a problem it would be handled by the AREA MANAGER immediately. I've gotten multiple compliments about how CLEAN the store is and how nice the employees are. I will admit the most common compliment about our store would be out restrooms which are always clean, and also very cutting edge. I've even had a customer tell me he wants the waterless urinal in his house. Come try E-Z MART for yourself and step into a clean organized store with great employees and great prices.

  • William Davis

    William Davis


    Complete lack of respect and piss poor customer service. Pulled in to grab water and a snack on a hot day and was told 10 minutes later while I was eating said snack the asst manager screamed at my window that I was lingering and threatened to call the cops if I didnt leave the property. Will never use EZ Mart again!!!

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