CVS i Grapevine

Forenede StaterCVS



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2051, Hall - Johnson Road, 76051, Grapevine, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-410-8808
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Latitude: 32.8927981, Longitude: -97.0977842

kommentar 5

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    L E


    Do not use this pharmacy!! Moved to Grapevine 6 months ago and I have to use CVS with my insurance. They refill prescriptions I don't need, and then the ones I do need are always out of stock, or something goes wrong. I've been on the same medications for years none of which are controlled, and they still can't get it right. As soon as I left yesterday I they called me and told me my rx was ready. I had to tell the gentleman how to fill it, that it didn't need a prior auth like he told me it did. I'm so disappointed at the lack of customer service. Will never step foot in this building again. I will drive to Bedford just to avoid this pharmacy.

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    Jonathan Moody


    David Lee is the manager over the pharmacy. He is got to be the most inconsiderate rude person I have seen in a long time. They have no customer service that’s why there’s not very many customers there I want to get a prescription filled they told me 30 minutes I came back in 20 they told me another 30 to 40 minutes what a waste of time if they can’t do their job they should find somebody who can otherwise shut their doors and go out of business. I wouldn’t waste my time going back to the store for nothing they are horrible

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    orel lugo


    very clean and organized store. friendly staff and this store its very fast compared to others cvs ive been to.

  • Ariel Rivera

    Ariel Rivera


    Great customer service and they don't constantly ask you if you need help. So nice bad sweet!!

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    Rob K


    The pharmacy is very slow. Last Saturday, I waited behind someone in the drive-through for 20 minutes. A transaction should not take that long. My time was limited, so I finally gave up and left. Today, I made another attempt to buy my medication. The drive-though was occupied, so I went inside. Unfortunately, there were three people waiting in line with one pharmacist at the register. I waited for five minutes, and I could tell that this was another 20-30 minutes per customer day. I had to leave. Tomorrow, I will clear an entire hour so that I can go to CVS, wait in line, and buy my medication.

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