Yesterdays Bar and Grille w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneYesterdays Bar and Grille



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70, Main Avenue, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-235-1766
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8300992, Longitude: -74.1431542

komentarze 5

  • en

    Anthony Probst


    Nice place to go and have a drink. Not too crazy or loud. Great atmosphere. Good people. Good priced beverages. Food isn't bad either.

  • Justin De los Santos

    Justin De los Santos


    Food was good. I got the wings and shrimp. But place looked old , it was dark and was full of old people. Came on a wed afternoon.

  • Anthony Marella

    Anthony Marella


    Great burgers and pub food. Cool atmosphere and great staff

  • en

    Jonathan Rivera


    If I could give lower then a one star I would. First of all would not recommend to anyone. Never wrote a review but I feel like I should speak on it. After a the owner/manager on shift opens up a tab and then swiftly decides to close it because me and some friends LOOK a certain way. Talking to him he calls me a terrorist and says he calling the cops I tell him go ahead I would love to explain to him the situation. We walk outside and he follows and decideds to keep questioning us. Would definitely not recommend this spot to anyone ever.

  • Andrew Antuna

    Andrew Antuna


    Overall great Neighborhood Bar. The Staff is fantastic and always makes your patronage feel welcomed and appreciated whether you're new or a regular. Generally a good crowd and healthy mix of people. Food is also consistently well made and delicious, you really can't go wrong with either the regular menu or the posted specials. Also be sure to get your burgers on the English Muffin. Decent draft and bottle selection as well. Great place to watch the game or to shoot the breeze with folks.

najbliższy Bar

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