Uno Pizzeria & Grill w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneUno Pizzeria & Grill



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426, New Jersey 3, 07012, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-574-1303
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8308568, Longitude: -74.1396415

komentarze 5

  • Pablo Sarquis

    Pablo Sarquis


    This place is disgusting dirty. The bathroom looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in months. The table we got was super sticky and the end against the wall it was covered with dust. After asking the waitress to clean it she came back with a rag that was probably dirtier thank the table. Gross!! The only reason I ate there was because the kids were starving hence the 2 stars since the food was ok. Never going back!

  • Aja TV

    Aja TV


    disappointed with the food. Lobster roll dish was soso...coleslaw was not good, clam chowder tastes like canned soup. appetizer sampler, also soso, meatballs no flavor, quesadilla greasy. Manager very accommodating.

  • Frank V

    Frank V


    I love their pizza the deep dish tomato and cheese pizza. It’s awesome. The guac chips wings and mozzarella sticks were also great. (Better than average I would say better than Applebee’s or chili’s). People are very friendly there’s sports on some TVs a large beer list 4-6$ roughly and some not as common beers on tap like founders IPA. We also order online and pick it up. The only thing i suggest is to ask the person at the desk if that’s your order sitting on the counter because they are not proactive in getting those to go orders handed out they are more focused on seating people.

  • Joe Patalinjug

    Joe Patalinjug


    Pizza and food is good no doubt about it. Service is the problem. The crew tends to carry all the food to their assigned table all at once without any help from the others; which ended up me getting wet because the waitress tipped over my water glass by hitting it with a ketchup bottle when she was putting all the food down without looking. The manager came without even apologizing for what happened

  • Cynthia Chavarria

    Cynthia Chavarria


    The food is good but the staff is ehhh. This would be the third time I've gone there and it takes forever and a day to get our order. I've gone with a group of 12 (they ran out of mozzarella sticks and brownies) as well as just my husband and me (at 11:15am)and the wait time was ridiculous. The staff is nice just very chatty with each other so I think that's why the service is slow. The food itself, as I mentioned before, is average, nothing that really stands out.

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