Muscle Maker Grill w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneMuscle Maker Grill



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1037, Bloomfield Avenue, 07012, Clifton, Passaic County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 862-899-7111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8416509, Longitude: -74.1595327

komentarze 5

  • Jacklyn l nelson

    Jacklyn l nelson


    The food was very filling and tasty. I was kept full for several hours and didn't feel hungry late in the night. My only issue if their strawberry protein shake that was kind of nasty but they gave me a smoothie to replace it so they have really good costumer service.

  • Carlos Aristizabal

    Carlos Aristizabal


    I walked in after nice leg day, ordered the chicken teriyaki stir fry bowl. It was so good I got 5 meals to go. The gentleman who helped me was very courteous and you can’t beat $9/meal these days. I highly recommend giving this muscle maker grill a try.

  • Caitlin Dunn

    Caitlin Dunn


    I actually rated this 5 stars yesterday on grubhub because everything was amazing. I was so looking forward to ordering another protein shake the next day and what I received for almost $10 was disgusting! My chocolate peanut butter shake had bubbles in it and a big white ring around the middle of the cup!!! What a waste of a grubhub gift card. Too bad because the day before everything was so good and I couldnt wait to order again..

  • Wili Camacho

    Wili Camacho


    I stumbled upon this place as I was just looking for some food in the area. I was feeling doubtful about finding healthy, clean food in this area. But to my surprise I spotted this restaurant and decided to check it out. I ended up ordering a fit bowl called : Arizona Bowl (see photo). I was glad of my choice. Food tasted good, as for price, reasonable as well. Lastly on my way I noticed they also did protein shakes. And my goodness what a large cup of protein shake. I got the MMG Choc Peanut Butter, huge portion(white foam cup in photo)So if you’re in the area and you’re currently exercising, I recommend to check this place out 👍🏼

  • N10 Fit

    N10 Fit


    I was in the area looking food and since I haven't been to this location, figured I would try it out. The young lady was quite polite and had friendly customer service. I ordered Sesame Chicken Teriyaki Penne & Large Chocolate PB protein shake. I ordered takeout and got my drink within 3 minutes and my food in under 10 min. Overall, great experience and if I'm ever in the area, it will definitely be a place to consider.

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