World Gym East Meadow w East Meadow

Stany ZjednoczoneWorld Gym East Meadow



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1940, Hempstead Turnpike, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-832-8444
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7224718, Longitude: -73.5654002

komentarze 5

  • Jim Skinner

    Jim Skinner


    I absolutely love this the Gold Gym in East Meadow. It is clean, and the members there are nice. Frank at the Gym is such a great person and very active in the community. He is always giving back his time and talents to the community whether it is in Kiwanis or as President of the East meadow Chamber of Commerce.

  • en

    Jorge F.A


    I've had several disappointing running with this place, unfortunately I've payed for the year trying to save some money, counting down the days until my membership expires so that I'm not hit with their cancellation fees. First I went through and almost 6 month bout with them to trying and get $75 refunded for a payment on a training session I never took. Their website is NEVER updated and since I don't have facebook i can't comment on that. Unless you decide to call, good luck getting any information of anything that is going on in the gym. Save your money, don't come here.

  • en

    Morgan Musto


    I'm a graduating college student and I was home for a break. I called to see if they offer a day pass so I could try the gym and see if I want a membership when I'm home for good. As soon as I told the man on the phone the situation, he immediately accuses me of just wanting to use the gym for free. Was completely rude to me and definitely lost me as a customer. Not surprised by the bad reviews.

  • en

    Todd DeGennaro


    Coming from big als family fitness I knew I made the right choice to move here. Great equipment, friendly staff and I have old big als friends that work out with me and are always there to help me out! Frank is a stand up guy! Courtney and all the others are top notch and friendly! Can't ask for a better value for people's busy lives. World gym is "no-nonsense" and no frills. It's a gym, not a hotel like the other gyms on the market now!

  • en

    Eric G


    For my own personal experience, I have found the staff to be friendly as well as the owner. I've been a member for I think two years or so and don't recall having an unpleasant experience. For the price I'm paying per month, it's actually pretty affordable compared to some of the other gyms I've been to in the past. All the equipment is kept in shape, there is diversity with the equipment and I've made some acquaintances along the way. The locker rooms and showers are clean, it's 10 minutes from my house and I happen to like this gym. If and when I ever have to quit, I'm hoping I don't have to go through the issues that other people have gone through who posted reviews before me.

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