New York Sports Clubs w East Meadow

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York Sports Clubs



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625, Merrick Avenue, 11554, East Meadow, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-485-5100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7063782, Longitude: -73.5689931

komentarze 5

  • Francisco Alvarez

    Francisco Alvarez


    The place seems to be big but I'm not a member and the only time I go to that place is to take my daughter to swimming class because they have saf t swim Academy in the lower level

  • Eddie Ortega

    Eddie Ortega


    I have tried to get out of my membership for months back in 2017. Katherine the manager first tells me I need to cancel 30 days in advance. I tried to not get charged an extra year of membership. She said it was company policy. Then 2-23-18 I went and filled out a cancellation form with my phone number and email address and I haven't gotten any type of response good or bad from anybody at this place. I can start to talk about the cleanliness of the place also but this review is about the poor customer service. Today is 03-05-18. Let's see what happens now.

  • TheGamingBanana76



    Very good gym but why isn't men steam room working

  • en

    Lauren Price


    Tried to cancel my membership 3 times over the phone, each time staff said the same thing “my manager just stepped out I’ll take your name and have them call you”. Never called. Went in and filled out cancellation form, staff said they would give it to the manager. I asked on the form for a call verifying cancellation but after a week of hearing nothing I called them. Staff said manager wasn’t in that day but I asked for hours the manager would be in the next day and the name. Called and spoke to the manager who told me she was “DOING ME A FAVOR CANCELING THE ACCOUNT OVER THE PHONE BECAUSE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO COME IN AND FILL OUT A FORM” After I explained that I already had and this call was to follow up regarding that form I was told my account is canceled but I’ll be billed for the next 45 DAYS 🙄. Finally what came of it was me wanting to never have to deal with them again and essentially paying to do that. If it had been one person, I may be able to excuse the poor service, but it legitimately felt like they were running a scam. If I could give no stars I would. I rarely write reviews (usually only positive ones if I’m really pleased with a product or service) but felt like this is a buyer beware type situation.

  • en

    Michael S


    Good gym enough equipment for a good workout. Plenty of parking

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