Wayne YMCA w Wayne

Stany ZjednoczoneWayne YMCA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Pike Drive, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-595-0100
strona internetowej: www.wayneymca.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9506878, Longitude: -74.2211201

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shareen S


    I signed my 2yr old up at the Wayne YMCA April 30 for private swimming lessons. I was advised that I would receive a call to set up the time and date within a few days. After a week of not hearing back I decided to call and was transferred to the aquatics vm, I left a message. Another week went by I called and was told I can send an email. I decided I'll just cancel and go elsewhere I called and left another message. After a few more phone calls I received a call from the head of the department saying he will correct the issue and call me the next day. A week passed and I had to call again and again and again. Six weeks later Im still waiting for my refund to go through. Please save yourself the time and go elsewhere. Awful experience I will never go back!😠😠😠

  • Jonathan Yoesting

    Jonathan Yoesting


    Love this place. Lots of renovations and upgrades have already been completed with more to come. Cool that the Y now has the privilege of hosting the community's food pantry.

  • en

    Nemanja Jojic


    The monthly membership is pricier than a standard gym, but the amenities and classes offered more than justify the price tag. It's a friendly, relaxed environment, and it bolsters the community as well.

  • en

    chris van overloop


    Very good family facility. Everyone welcome. Caring and happy staff. A great combination of different sporting and exercise options available

  • Bryan Aiello

    Bryan Aiello


    Love this facility. Beautiful salt water pool. Sunday yoga is awesome. Child care available while I worked out if I wanted.

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