Voyager RV Resort & Hotel i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterVoyager RV Resort & Hotel


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8701, South Kolb Road, 85756, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-574-5000
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Latitude: 32.0918872, Longitude: -110.8370197

kommentar 5

  • Susan Nelson

    Susan Nelson


    After April, the snowbirds are gone, and spaces are freely available. Lots of nice amenities, including a very nice bar and grill on the property. Full hookups and basic, gravel pads with small cement "patios" and a picnic table on each patio. There is a small convenience shop for picking up staples and gifts. Trees are few and far between, but the facilities are well planned. It's very hot already in May! With one exception, the staff was amazingly very nice. They even sent a knowledgeable employee out to try to light my propane stove. I will return!

  • en

    Judy Bleecker


    Very nice, very large RV park, full amenities including a restaurant with a nice menu and reasonable prices. Everyone is very friendly. Would go 5 stars except for the laundry system. You have to buy a card to use in the machines but it's almost impossible to use your money up. The machines don't accept a partial payment so you are left with a balance on the card (s). They won't buy the balance back because its a third party company. Sure must add up.

  • en

    Nancy Yates


    We are seasoned campers for 42 consecutive years now. Not much surprises us...this place with so many unique features is a disappointment! We were told they had 2 sites available. Shocked to find dozens and dozens of empty sites. We were not allowed to face the direction we preferred while that area of direction was wide open. Clearly the preference is to cram everyone close together. Yes sites are long for pull-throughs. Many, many vacant spots now, however our friends were called and asked to move to a different site someone was coming in on that site- so they left completely. No one arrived on that site. Remember lots of open sites everywhere here! Negative review and do not recommend Voyager RV campground and not happy with how backward their policy or computer systems are!!!

  • Jim Arganbright

    Jim Arganbright


    Been going here for about 10 years. Seems like Encode is only concerned about there profits and not maintaining a great RV resort that it once was. Only stop in now once a year. Lazy Days just up the road is more welcoming. I miss Voyager as I got to know many of the residence there so usually drive down to visit them for and afternoon once in a while.

  • Mark Kissel

    Mark Kissel


    Disclaimer: I did not camp here. Rather I drove through, walked around the activity center, and talked to office staff. This is a large resort, very well kept, with a great variety of activities. Three nice pools. Streets are lined with palm trees. Lots are closer than I prefer, but not bad. Contains a mixture of RVs and mobile homes. It seems to be a busy and active resort. Also has a hotel on site.

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