FamCamp i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2775, S Craycroft Rd, 85711, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-747-9144
internet side: www.dmforcesupport.com
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Latitude: 32.1797471, Longitude: -110.8607458

kommentar 5

  • Doug Keener

    Doug Keener


    Beautiful RV facility but do not plan on tent camping here... I found my self pitching a tent on asphalt adjacent to a motor home that was running its generator not a pleasant experience

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    Liz A


    Nice place to t.v.. Fill up fast. It is on base centerly located.

  • Allen Brooks

    Allen Brooks


    If you tell on WiFi for any reason forget this place unless you can take everything to the office and get a Internet connection. Service is great when no one is here but when people start flowing in then it sucks big time. They cannot handle the load.

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    lisa Arthur


    Everything about this famcamp is top notch. Extra helpful and friendly staff, nice level sites, beautiful landscape, super showers and laundry. Wifi was decent. There is a cool dog wash in its own small building which i didn't use, cost $5, and i heard it was fantastic. There was different functions going on in the famcamp, singers, potlucks, etc but we didn't join in. The office has computers and free coffee/books that is open 24 hrs. Great place!

  • William Gammon

    William Gammon


    This is one of best campgrounds we've been to. Excellent sites, excellent staff. Well maintained. The bath, shower, and laundry are all very nice and absolutely clean.

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