Mission View Club Estates i Tucson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMission View Club Estates


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31, West Los Reales Road, 85756, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-741-1965
internet side: missionviewrv.com
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Latitude: 32.1177669, Longitude: -110.9726794

kommentar 5

  • en

    George Vranesh


    It's a nice place my friend's mom lives there and we go visit her all the time

  • en

    Karen Ventura


    Family side very trashy Cars blocking roadways Vehicles speeding on main road (Mission Rd.) Main road very unappealing Junction Driving N. To Los Reales Rd..too narrow.. speeders.. the entryway to park I was facing north the entryway was an bit obstruction, I had to move my car at a unsafe distance (on to Los Reales rd.) where I look left to safely proceed north

  • en

    Michael Whelan


    We were fortunate to have stayed here for 10 days. Wish we could have stayed longer, unfortunately we had to leave. This club is all you could want in an RV Park. Everyone we met was extremely friendly. The grounds were kept clean and tidy. Everything in the park was great. The staff at check in was very helpful and answered all of our questions. We were shown to our site and we had plenty of room to back in. There is a fence around the park which we had a key to. Here you can let your dogs run til their heart is content. The water pressure was great and the water was tipical of the area. Highly recommend this RV Park, if for nothing else it is close to I 19/I 10. Also close to San Xavier Mission which is a must see.

  • Dena Coulon

    Dena Coulon


    Great park/friendly staff. Activities scheduled to keep you busy. **if you are a Veteran with PTSD and the sound of AC bother you...the ANG and AD fly time is a consolation if that is a trigger

  • Sheena Hopkins

    Sheena Hopkins


    Awesome muy Grandma has lived Here since i was a child and i love it and the people are so sweet. Plus it's got an awesome in ground heated pool

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