Top Hollywood Nail Spa en Melville

Estados UnidosTop Hollywood Nail Spa



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704, Walt Whitman Road, 11747, Melville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-683-5855
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8049727, Longitude: -73.4105238

comentarios 5

  • en

    Shamrin Virani


    Extremely rude owner and horrible service, never going back again.




    I am not an employee. I am a customer. This is a family run business. The three siblings have worked on my nails. I am always happy with the results. They are always courteous and try to be accommodating.

  • en



    I had an incredible experience at this nail salon and spa. My wife was amazed at the talent of the new owner. She is truly a master at her craft and has a very sweet personality. We had such an awesome time that we bought gift certificates to give to our mothers as presents. I can't say enough positive things about this salon.

  • Anthony Carey

    Anthony Carey


    I am a manager of a residence for people with special needs. I asked if they were able to accomodate 1 person, just calling ahead to give them the curtesy and they told me they they could not accomodate and that they were busy. An establishment like that should not be open. How dare you deny a paying customer? Especially one with special needs. I was so dissapointed that a business would turn away someone just because they have special needs. I am a grown man so I dont get my nails done but I would NEVER reccomend this place to anyone. The discriminiation is horrible. God doesnt like ugly.

  • Connie c

    Connie c


    Their work is inferior. Had to go back several times to repair. Pedicures are sloppy. Gel doesn't last and be careful. They run credit card for more than what amount should be sign says lash extensions $25. Nothing indicates "and up". Time to pay they charge whatever without consulting client while doing or before services.. Workers are pleasant on the outside but language barrier.. Owner never there. The one other review 5 star is from a worker.

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