Family Nail & Spa en Melville

Estados UnidosFamily Nail & Spa



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524, Walt Whitman Road, 11747, Melville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-385-8883
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.81114, Longitude: -73.409051

comentarios 5

  • en

    Marret Arfsten


    Always take such good care of everyone, a great team atmosphere

  • Gabby F

    Gabby F


    Love my nails!! ❤️ The nail technician was very attentive and listened to my ideas! They took into consideration the designs I wanted. I love going here because it’s close to my job. I am planning on going back again soon!

  • en

    margaret .ditusa


    I am just appalled. I paid 25$ for this. Horrendously sloppy. They didn't even cut my cuticles, push my nail bed back or do any of that maintenance. When she used the electric sander, which I hate, she sanded off a chunk of my nail so I had to cut them all so they would be even. Two employees in the back were horsing around and there seemed to be no management in sight to address the terrible job done on my nails (besides the girl who did them who let me leave with them like this thinking it was a job well done) so I just let it go and it's a lesson learned. Never coming back. Place is dirty and the service is not worth 4 stars or any of your money.

  • Loretta Perez

    Loretta Perez


    The best service in the area. Friendly and professional with personal touches such as shoulder messages after all manicures and foot and leg massage with pedicures.

  • Sarah Benckenstein

    Sarah Benckenstein


    Excellent service, cheap pedis but great quality. Complimentary massage.

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