Ulta Beauty en Huntington Station

Estados UnidosUlta Beauty



🕗 horarios

350, New York 110, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-271-2817
sitio web: www.ulta.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8158247, Longitude: -73.4096084

comentarios 5

  • E 90 528XI

    E 90 528XI


    Called ahead to check some beauty oils which they do have, a girl took the order and secured them until I arrived to the store. Nice place lots of free parking, stokedup, helpful staff. I do recommend.

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    Jodi Meschkow


    Love the makeup here

  • Jared Bronz

    Jared Bronz


    Does anyone work here?

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    Carol Davidson


    Had my hair cut and colored at Ulta Huntington by a lovely girl named Doreen. She was very professional and took her time understanding exactly what I wanted. I was very happy with the results. My haircut was perfect and the color was better than I envisioned. I will be using Doreen as my stylist from now on.

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    jaswinder singh


    this store is very nice and conveniently located in wall Whitman mall .they have large variety of the beauty products. i bought some perfumes for xmas presents, they gave me a very good prices and discounts and also give me some free samples. Staff is very nice and helpful.

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