The Bite i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterThe Bite



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23, E 3rd St, 64106, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-503-6059
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Latitude: 39.1098222, Longitude: -94.5823841

kommentar 5

  • en



    All of their sandwiches are amazing. Sometimes on the weekends they have less traffic than they should. I feel like they need to hand out some samples or do something to get more traffic. More people need to know the truth. There should be a line out the door.

  • en

    Morgan Mason


    The Bite was an awesome lunch stop- The Kickin’ Chicken and the Tamale plate were to die for with just the right amount of spice! Stop by if your up for some unique fusion food!

  • Betty Chung

    Betty Chung


    Solid place. Not the best🤷‍♀️. The sandwich 🥪was good but could use a slight touch up. The guy at the cashier wasn’t happy or friendly. But the artwork inside is neat. And the sandwich is still nice and nicely portioned.

  • J Marts

    J Marts


    Portions are decent & the bread they use for the sandwiches is pretty good too. The tamales are also decently priced & taste great as well.... I always hit this place when I'm @ city market & it never disappoints.

  • Alyssa Zimmerman

    Alyssa Zimmerman


    If I could give The Bite more than five stars, I would. WOW! The Senor Chang was outstanding. The meat was tender and seasoned perfectly and the candied jalapenos gave just the right amount of heat. The pickled radishes left me begging for more. So I dug into my sesame slaw and boy oh boy was a glad I added it to my order. The sesame vinaigrette was tantalizing on my taste buds. I can't wait to try other items on the menu!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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