Planet Sub i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1111, Main Street, 64106, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-471-7827
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.1008338, Longitude: -94.5830034

kommentar 5

  • courtney aurich

    courtney aurich


    Best warm sandwiches ever when in cold KC! I chose the experience everytime. Nice big cozy shoppe with soft level seating in the heart very close to POWER AND LIGHT!!

  • Aerelle Jones

    Aerelle Jones


    I loved the food and the fact that they had gluten free bread.

  • Sean Seilheimer

    Sean Seilheimer


    not my personal favorite, but if you like this kind of sandwich place, then you know what to expect. I like untoasted myself, and I like picking what goes on the sandwiches as it's made, so not really my thing, but good for what it is.

  • Dillon McFadden

    Dillon McFadden


    The subs were good, not great but good. Really quiet inside. ALL of the tables were very dirty with crumbs, stains, and sticky residue all over but if you can get past that it was a nice place.

  • Nathan Cragun

    Nathan Cragun


    I really want to give 4.5 stars, but am rounding up. I don't think the equivalency to subway is an accurate one, this place is much closer to a Potbellies. The subs were toasted and loaded with ingredients. The bread was much more durable and tasty than a Subway sandwich. Great place for lunch. Relatively fast service, and very friendly employees.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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