Pie Five Pizza i Kansas City

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Forenede StaterPie Five Pizza



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534, Westport Road, 64111, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-895-3298
internet side: www.piefivepizza.com
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Latitude: 39.0528402, Longitude: -94.5933338

kommentar 5

  • Derwin Norton

    Derwin Norton


    I love their Pizza it's like going to Subway but you getting a pizza made your way

  • en

    lashae valentino


    Excellent customer service Out ranks any other pizza places

  • Marek Marcinkowski

    Marek Marcinkowski


    The pizza here was great! Decided to stop by because I get them from Ubereats all the time. It was worth it. I would recommend them anytime! The staff here was very friendly.

  • en

    Aaron Connor


    My family and I really like this place. On Sundays they have a kids eat free deal. It's perfect for us. My wife and I eat vegan and they carry vegan cheese. My oldest son and his girlfriend are vegan as well. The rest of my kids like regular mozzarella cheese. The kids size is perfect for the youngest kids and they love the fun of building their own pizza that's just for them. My daughter likes Alfredo sauce and chicken pineapple on her pizza. Nobody else really likes that but that's what make Piefive the perfect pizza place for a family with different tastes. We all build it differently! I personally love how they have so many good unusual veggie toppings that I love like artichoke, sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, banana peppers, caramelized onions and the list goes on and on. The combo meals are great because you can get a side salad or desert and drink. The drinks are self serve from the freestyle machine which the kids also love. They even have great beer! The staff at Westport have always been friendly and helpful and make great pizzas. This is our new family pizza place!

  • Robert Bennett

    Robert Bennett


    I have been here a bunch over the last few months, and slow watched this place decline. I'd some it up like this: Staff very rude, she was in such a hurry that she messed my order up right off the start, and here's the kicker there was no one else in the store. I told her that the order was for here, and she still put the pizza in a to-go box. Next, I was almost charged full price for 2 pizzas when it clearly say 2 for 10 on Tuesday. The best sign of all that you should skip this place besides the lack of crowd is seeing more dirty tables then clean ones.

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