Sugarlump i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2709, East Madison Street, 98112, Seattle, King County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 206-860-5083
internet side:
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Latitude: 47.6227661, Longitude: -122.2970622

kommentar 5

  • Erin Youtz

    Erin Youtz


    Nice consignment. Not cheap.

  • Welling Savo Justin

    Welling Savo Justin


    What a treasure! I always find the perfect clothes and shoes for my grandchildren at this friendly gem of a shop. The staff are eager to help me find just what I’m looking for and I ultimately end up with adorable and reasonably priced items. This is a one stop shop for everything a mom (or grandmom!) might need for growing little ones. Stopping here always brightens my day.

  • en

    Erica Wood


    Not much of a selection and overpriced for used kids clothing. The woman working was very rude.

  • en

    Shi M


    I feel like I'm in the way in this tiny consignment shop. The available things are very limited and pricey. The staff just straight up rude. Amazing they are still in business.

  • en

    Erin May


    I took in baby clothes to consign. They went through my items and emailed me a list of clothing from another consigner. After I called to tell them about the mix up ask about mine, they sent me the right clothing list - about 12 items of mine they wanted to sell. At the end of my consignment period I called to say I would like to pick up anything that didn't sell and they couldn't find my name in the system for a while. Once they did, they said they didn't see anything with my name so it must have all sold and that I would receive a check. They didn't send a check. Overall, such a clunky and unorganized experience. Also peeved my clothing was unaccounted for.

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