Arundel Books i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterArundel Books



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212, 1st Avenue South, 98104, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 206-624-4442
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Latitude: 47.6004398, Longitude: -122.3339988

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paul Tomita


    Arundel books is fully supportive of local literary gems. If you believe in community and keeping it local this is an awesome place to support.

  • Colt Fry

    Colt Fry


    A very cool bookstore with lots of interesting books and very friendly staff.

  • John Brooks

    John Brooks


    Nicest staff in the world. Engaging, helpful, and kind. Fantastic selection and a great tinctures

  • Alexander Mrkich

    Alexander Mrkich


    Terrible. I visited multiple times, emailed and called. All in the effort to buy a book listed on their website. They kept promising to get the book so I could buy it and they never did. They really didn't want my money.

  • Nicholas Hilton

    Nicholas Hilton


    Disorganized and poor service. Don't waste your time here. Couldn't even read most book titles because the shelves were too high and there was no organizational structure. Staff were also irritated when we asked for help. Why would you do that if you want my money? Needless to say, we did not purchase anything.

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