Barnes and Noble i Seattle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBarnes and Noble



🕗 åbningstider

600, Pine Street, 98101, Seattle, King County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 206-264-0156
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.612746, Longitude: -122.3346597

kommentar 5

  • Nordia S.

    Nordia S.


    If you can plan ahead, order your books online for pickup. We saved $12 doing so. The order was ready in less than 30 minutes and they notify you by text. It's convenient and cost effective, two things I love.

  • en

    Katie G.


    Much bigger than it looks like on the outside. I really like this Barnes and Nobles. Lots of little nooks to get cozy in and check out a couple of books. The staff is always extremely friendly and can help you with whatever you need.

  • Iori Mireille

    Iori Mireille


    La atención al público es muy buena. Tienen una gran variedad de libros de todo tipo y muy bien ordenado. La sección infantil, la tienen de una manera muy bonita. Además, tienen una sección con ofertas que no están nada mal. Puedes encontrar algún chollo. ^_^

  • en

    V. Koyano


    My favorite bookstore downtown. The only one of any with big stock.Many magazines, maps, children's books and a DVD section to look for movies and music. A small area for food and baked goods and coffee or sodas. Gifts for special occasions and good card selection.

  • Beau Elliott

    Beau Elliott


    Layout of the store was a little weird but effective. No mobile service downstairs in the fiction/literature section. However, they had a nice array of authors and book selection. Their DVD collection was a little sparse but understandably so. It feels like a bit of a forgotten place with a loyal customer base.

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