Sprint Store i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSprint Store



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4005, Hillsboro Pike, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 615-250-4727
internet side: www.sprint.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.1045343, Longitude: -86.8155552

kommentar 5

  • Paul Tobias

    Paul Tobias


    Great customer service

  • Amy Pratt

    Amy Pratt


    The store was not busy and the rep was very polite.

  • Shayla Priszner

    Shayla Priszner


    My husband works here and he's very customer service oriented, ask for Peter if you go!

  • Ryan



    Unlike the other posts I greatly enjoyed my experience at this sprint store. The store Manager Detra and a trainee were super knowledgeable and helpful with all my questions when I came in to get my upgrade and I wound up leaving with a better value plan and phone than I had expected. They were attentive and helpful to the customers in the store and made sure everyone's needs/wants were met to the best of their ability. I would highly recommend this store for all of your sprint plan needs.

  • en

    Daniel Morris


    i have lived near this store and its old location for over 25yrs. it seems that there are never enough ppl to help. the managers seem to come and go. I don't remember the last time I saw the same person after 3 weeks to a month or so. I have had days that the manager seems to be more helpful then the other employees but it seems that the managers have the least customer service and the other ppl working seem to know more or at least can help better then the managers. the parking is now worse then it was at the old location.

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