Apple Green Hills i Nashville

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Forenede StaterApple Green Hills


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2126, Abbott Martin Road, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 615-514-2430
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Latitude: 36.10693, Longitude: -86.815969

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Cuevas

    Andrew Cuevas


    A very good Apple Store! I dropped off my computer for some repairs and they were able to fix it very efficiently. The staff there are incredibly personable and knowledgeable, you have nothing to worry about!

  • benjamin brown

    benjamin brown


    Huge selection of Apple products. The only grip I have is that you can buy a new iPhone, out the door... But to purchase a refurbished phone you have to go to their website and order and wait! I like to look at the product and feel its texture and imperfections if any, instead of looking at the same picture that when the phone was in the catalog for pre-order. Not to meantion how can you get anybody on impulse buying if the have to order it online. Order phone, wait, receive then drive to store and see what cases and accessories you want for it... By that time I've stopped at 3 other big box stores b4 getting back to the other side of town where the only one of two apple stores are for my city, by then I'm broke or so close to it I'm not gonna buy anything else for it because the wife is very upset with my spending habits. please come up with other options for refurbished product sales. I refuse to purchase my kids 10 & 11 yrs old a new $ 7 to 800 doller phone! even if it was 1 day a month refurbished day, come one come all!!! get your factory refreshed iPhones and Apple products!!! SUNDAY!!! SUNDAY!!! SUNDAY!!! or something like that?¿?

  • Sean Raper

    Sean Raper


    Ok so this is my first experience with this location. I should start out by saying that I love Apple products. I have an “i” everything and as someone who has tried the other side (android) extensively, I always find myself preferring Apple products for their simplicity and ease. Today I decided to go to this location and look at some new products. Upon arriving at the mall I spent about 10 min trying to find parking, and with no success I turned to the parking garage. To be fair I did find parking in the garage fairly quickly, however I should note two things of importance. The parking garage has a clearance bar upon entering that barely fits a standard f150. So if your vehicle is lifted you probably won’t get in without scratching your roof up. Second I found the walk to the mall from the parking garage to be long, with sections where you are forced to walk into the road, not ideal whatsoever if you have children. Once I entered the mall I was hard pressed to find a mall map to locate the Apple store. After walking around for a little while I finally came upon what I had been looking for only to discover that the APPLE STORE IS CLOSED FOR RENOVATION. Major letdown! I am not sure when it’s supposed to reopen but as of today March 7th it is closed.

  • Adam Hossley

    Adam Hossley


    I'm officially done with Apple. I made the trip to the Apple Store on Saturday for the battery replacement service. I dropped off my phone and was told to come back at 4 pm and it would be ready with a new battery. When I went back at 4 pm, they said it's not ready and to come back at 4:30 pm. When I went back at 4:30 pm, they again said it's not ready and to come back at 5 pm (I get it, they're busy and I was fine with this). I show back up at 5 pm to learn that my phone is ready and would be out soon! After a few minutes of waiting, the store clerk came out with a phone in a bag, handed it to me, and said "your total is $328.43." What?!?!?! I was so shocked that I was speechless. I told him that I was there for the $30 battery replacement and that there must be some mistake. After looking through the notes on his iPad, he said "Our technician determined one of the screws on your phone was damaged and therefore the warranty is no longer valid so we can't replace your battery. This is a brand new phone." Apple was trying to charge me for a new device without ever telling me anything about it. At no point beforehand did anyone tell me that there was an issue or even ask me if I would want a new phone. They just transferred all of my data to a new phone without my permission, and expected me to pay them for it without any sort of explanation. I refused to pay for it and made them go back and restore my original phone so I could leave. I had on the fence about Apple products for the past year or so, but this put the final nail in their coffin for me.

  • aristides Benitez

    aristides Benitez


    Me gustó mucho muy amables

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