Computer Pros i Nashville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterComputer Pros



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3900, Hillsboro Pike, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 615-383-8200
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.105782, Longitude: -86.813194

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mariel Zelhart


    I had a wonderful experience here - they were clear and honest about pricing, the amount of time my service would take and what would go into it. I left with no questions and a fixed laptop. Highly recommend.

  • Matthew Walters

    Matthew Walters


    Great computer shop for service and sales. They are also Apple certified and can fix computers under Applecare. 100%better the Apple store.

  • Lauren Poole

    Lauren Poole


    Computer PROS has excellent customer service! They are also an Apple Authorized Service Provider so they can sell you Apple products at the same price as buying it from the Apple Store across the street. Skip the line at Apple Store Green Hills and visit Computer PROS!

  • Cloey Walsh

    Cloey Walsh


    These guys are amazing! They are extremely friendly and helpful, and fixed my computer extremely quickly. It is just so much better than stepping foot in an Apple Store!

  • en

    Ruben Calderon


    I had a 3pm meeting Scheduled for some antivirus software to be installed on my laptop. Leonard called me exactly at 3pm with the most clear and concise instructions! All in all this process took less than 20 minutes and all I had to do was provide an email and payment. This was the most quick and painless experience I’ve ever had with a software company! Definitely recommend these guys to anyone and everyone!! Thanks Leonard, you’re awesome!

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