Rose Mofford Dog Park w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneRose Mofford Dog Park



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9833, North 25th Avenue, 85021, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-261-8011
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.572686, Longitude: -112.111363

komentarze 5

  • Joe Books

    Joe Books


    Not a bad dog park. Has a large and small side. But keep an eye out because some people bring their dogs that are a little too aggressive. This one knocked over our puppy and she was yelping. After we headed for the exit, the same dog hurt these other 2 pups. Have some common sense please!

  • en

    Krystal Rockwell


    This place is great. A few dogs are a little aggressive but no major issues. Keep in mind the rule section states they "recommend " for dogs to be spayed and neutered but it's just a recommendation not a mandatory rule. So don't let people try and tell you otherwise.

  • Jenny K

    Jenny K


    This is our dog park. It's right down the street from us. It's nice and big, with the two sections. one for big dogs, and one for small dogs. Lots of room to run, fresh water station, poop baggies and trash cans. Now that it's getting hot, the best time is evening. that's when most people are there. Just a nice, friendly, clean dog park.

  • Jennifer Lassiter

    Jennifer Lassiter


    Great park. Wish people would pay more attention to their dogs while there so they could clean up after them. Sad that there are so many of us who have to do it for others!

  • en

    Vincent bachicha


    I like it cause my dog gets to run around and be free. Except there are these groups/click in the small dogs. And they are rude. Usually in the morning and evening. It's like your dog can't play with their dogs cause they are too good for you. They don't p UK co up after their dogs. So there is usually dog poop everywhere. Other than that everyone else who goes when that little group is gone is friendly and very fun to talk with.

najbliższy Park

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