Mariposa Park w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneMariposa Park



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3150, West Morten Avenue, 85051, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-262-6575
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5486094, Longitude: -112.1277453

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kelly Villani


    A really nice neighborhood park. They have a playground with brand new equipment, tennis court, basketball court, volley ball court, water fountains and a great walking trail area to walk around for exercise.

  • Gilbert Flores

    Gilbert Flores


    One of my favorite places in all of Phoenix. It's a great, neighborhood park. It's always well-maintained and always green. Plenty of shade and the great playground for kids. With all the newly added LED lighting, it makes it very safe and secure to do my walking.

  • Wiz.Dope24



    Very nice park with playground equipment that looks clean (considering it's outside) and new. Large grassy areas with plenty of benches throughout for sitting/eating. The parking lot has a lot of spaces, so that's another bonus. Would recommend for any family or dog owner looking to go to a nice park.

  • Yolanda Martin

    Yolanda Martin


    This park is on my way home from Helen Drake Senior Center and it is great place to enjoy being outdoors. Take time to visit this park or other parks in your community. It is a healthy outdoors experience and costs you nothing. City of Phoenix provides these parks for its residents and visitors to use and respect the environment amenities.

  • Don Chaput

    Don Chaput


    This is a really nice and updated park! Away from main traffic, modern LED lighting. 4 tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts. Soccer and baseball fields. Auxiliary field areas. A couple pavilions, restrooms, large and small playground equipment. Jogging dirt track around park and several paths. Parking is a bit small, another small lot on the east side would be nice. Many families come here and it's usually pretty busy.

najbliższy Park

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