Cave Creek Park - Cactus w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneCave Creek Park - Cactus



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2400, West Cactus Road, 85029, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-262-6575
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5974336, Longitude: -112.1108238

komentarze 5

  • en

    Silvia Morales


    An amazing place where everyone can ran!!

  • Mikey St.

    Mikey St.


    I take my shepherd Zoe out there almost every day to go throw ball she loves the park she knows it and she appreciates it

  • en

    Charles Richardson


    Beautiful park to go to during the day the tweakers kinda own the park at night on the cactus side of the park basketball courts are always well lit at night

  • Shannon



    This park is fairly dangerous after the sun goes down. A lot of homeless living in the wash, occasionally you'll see a syringe or empty drug baggy on the side of the walkway or in the general vicinity of a trashcan. It is not safe for an individual at night. During the day, however, this park is a great place to bring your children and there are always City park maintenance workers present. Be sure though to not let your kids run around barefoot, especially through the sand. The restrooms are a little creepy and there are no doors or toilet paper. If you're visiting this park, please bring a friend or group with you and make sure your cellphone is well charged, just in case. There is a fire station right across the street and a police precinct just down the road. So don't be TOO scared!

  • Annaletta & Arianna Smith/Curley

    Annaletta & Arianna Smith/Curley


    It's a very large park. Great place to ride your bike or walk your dog. There's also several man-made caves at the playground, I thought that was pretty neat. There's a lot of light at night and plenty of places to sit or hangout. The restroom is always clean and there's toilet tissue. The downside there's no doors to the restroom stall or the entrance and it's not labeled so you can't tell which one to go into. My kids like to play there and it feels safe.

najbliższy Park

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