Pizzolis Pizzeria i Washington

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Forenede StaterPizzolis Pizzeria



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1418, 12th Street Northwest, 20005, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-234-3333
internet side: pizzolis.com
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Latitude: 38.9091683, Longitude: -77.0281883

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jeremy Flake


    A little pricey for the quality, but the portions were huge! Overall I would recommend, but the prices will not be like most corner sub and pizza places. Service was excellent and the food was good.

  • en



    From the website, you would think the pizza would have been amazing.. it wasn’t. The pizza and breadsticks were probably the worst I have ever had. The delivery driver had us go outside to get our food from his car window. He remained sitting in his car eating wings. I do NOT recommend ordering from here. I am highly disappointed with our whole experience from the delivery to the food.

  • en

    Ben Roode


    Pretty OK food. Good for late-night, especially in this half of the neighborhood. Good as a local place for a quick weeknight pizza or after-bar snack on the weekend. Don't go out of your way if you don't live in the neighborhood.

  • en

    Jennifer Lewis


    Horrible experience horrible pizza. We called to order from our hotel. When they asked for our address I gave them the name of the hotel. Lady on the phone told me I may want to check again where I was staying because they are located in DC and she didn't think I was in the same city. I assured her that my hotel was also in DC. They told us our delivery would take 45 min. It was nearly hour and 20 min before it came. We were told delivery guy would bring to our room. He called me from his car out in front of our hotel to pick it up. He was very irritated when I told him to meet me in the lobby. He was very unfriendly. Then we tasted the pizza. Not good. Poor ingredients. Worst pizza I've ever had. Garlic cheese bread was to dry and hard to eat. I would not recommend.

  • Lisa Pratt

    Lisa Pratt


    Can't believe I lived so close and didn't realize Pizzolis was right there! Great basic, local pizza place with fabulous website for ordering online (delivery or pickup). Lots of other choices if you don't want pizza. Staff is friendly. By the way, a "slice" is really 1/4 of a large pizza. Garlic bread is really garlic-y (a good thing)!

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