New Dynasty i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterNew Dynasty



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2020, P Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-296-6688
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9094589, Longitude: -77.0458486

kommentar 5

  • S. Lewis

    S. Lewis


    These days its so hard to find the fresh and flavorful chinese food i grew up loving. This restaurant is true to what we all love, from their spring rolls to the fried rice to the chicken and brocolli. I was happily impressed and had enough food for at least two meals.

  • Antonios Armaou

    Antonios Armaou


    I ordered beef fried rice dishes takeout. A lot of beef in the dishes.and good rice quality. Fast and polite service.

  • Mark Ray

    Mark Ray


    Love this place. Eat here a lot. Great menu and prices. Friendly staff, too. Curry chicken is my go to dish. Oh, they have brown rice, too.

  • en

    Sherman C


    Fast and convenient at great price . Online ordering on their website works perfectly . And I was really surprised about how good the chicken fried rice was. It was actually “fried” with good “wok” flavor. Not greasy/oily/salty at all like many others. It reminds me of fried rice of mama’s!

  • en



    I was visiting DC and randomly chose to order take-out from here. The man at the counter was SO HELPFUL! He explained the variances with the menu and I opted for the hunan chicken and Indonesian noodle dish. When I said I was just visiting, the woman gave me a paper plate so I could eat my dinner in my hotel room. Very thoughtful. The food was some of the best Chinese food I have eaten!! Would definitely come here again. Thank you, New Dynasty :)

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