Italian Gourmet Deli i Washington

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Forenede StaterItalian Gourmet Deli



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1707, L Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-736-9700
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Latitude: 38.903888, Longitude: -77.0392765

kommentar 5

  • en

    Matthew Bowdle


    Favorite place for lunch, variety is huge, food is great.

  • en

    Patrick Aquia


    A good place for a fast taste lunch.

  • Aaron Childers

    Aaron Childers


    Not a lot of good choices around Farragut North that is not in a food truck. The burger is surprisingly good, and the breakfast sandwiches are legit.

  • en

    Jim Finkelstein


    The food is delicious but the dining area is very cold during the winter. I've heard other customers complain about that too. Everyone has to wear their winter coats and hats in there. Please turn up the heat during the cold months! Food is great

  • en

    Neil Miles


    I gave a couple stars because their food isn't bad. I just don't care for the way they run their business. I work nearby and used to go here occasionally. I've noticed that their subs never have much meat on them, even though they charge $9. I recently ordered one of their Italian style subs. Even though the menu lists three different kinds of meats, mine was mostly salami with a little ham... that was it. I pointed out to the manager that the menu advertises three types of meat, and asked if there was a mistake,but he said they only make it with two, even though he is aware that the sign shows three. I don't appreciate what I consider to be a clear case of false advertising, which is dishonest in my opinion.

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