Papa John's Pizza i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPapa John's Pizza



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3213, Eastway Drive, 28205, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-532-9293
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.2117683, Longitude: -80.7813594

kommentar 5

  • Shana Steverson

    Shana Steverson


    I raped this particular Papa John's store a five-star store because there is great friendly service within this service and with his delivery system. If I've ever received wrong order they have replaced it for free or offered me a credit towards a future purchase!

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    Almedina Begic


    Never ordering here, they never deliver what you order and on top of that I found hair in my pizza..

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    Frank Edward


    Angry is all I can say. I order the healthy option because it is delicious. I ordered the pizza online because it was fifty percent off. I did everything right. I paid with cash because all I had was a twenty. They arrived, and they charged me full price. They said if I called the store I would be credited the amount. It would be an average of twenty minutes for them to credit it. They said there was nothing they could do. I had to go around the house scraping up change to give to him. I grabbed the pizza and slammed the door in the man’s face as he was about to apologize. I am so angry

  • Spencer Taylor

    Spencer Taylor


    I am a vegetarian and asked for half pepperoni on a pizza for my boyfriend and I to split. Took a bite, only to find pepperoni--that's okay, it happens. So I carefully looked at the pizza and saw they put pepperoni under the cheese on every slice. Checked my order and it definitely said 1/2 pepperoni 1/2 cheese. So I had to take off all the cheese, pepperoni, which left me with crust and sauce. Did not have time to have them remedy the mistake, as I was going somewhere directly after dinner. Very annoyed at this gross oversight.

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    Relley Relle


    Food out of date are being served to you by GM skylar cotton. I was a driver she had me altering out of dated food on first shift. From sometime last year up til she fired me this year jan. On various write ups but she cant find the write ups that she never showed me nor did i signed.... Lawyer getting on that. Stay tune on the next Review.... Lol thanks

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