Domino's Pizza i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterDomino's Pizza



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3223 the Plz, Charlotte, NC 28205, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 704-375-8794
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2409542, Longitude: -80.7972081

kommentar 5

  • en

    Usermoo344 LM


    Great customer service. The tall guy with the dreds was one of the sweetest human beings I have ever dealt with. Haven't seen him there lately. Hope that he's still employed there. He made that place so friendly to purchase from. I call him 6dred9 lol.

  • en

    Anthony Duron


    I am so pleased with the NoDa, Plaza Domino's location. My orders are always right, were delivered on time to my old address, and I love the fact that I resently moved and they are now within walking distance, which allows me to take advantage of the large pizza take-out special. Yummy!

  • tinesha matthews

    tinesha matthews


    Great location nestled close to Noda and Plaza Midwood. I’ve never had a bad experience. I’ve done both carry out and dine in. When I’ve gone in the store I’m always greeted and the staff is polite. Delivery was super fast when I’ve ordered online. The guy that delivered my pizza was excellent.

  • en

    Aaron Camp


    A couple incidents where the pasta was dry. One or two with rude drivers. Overall I still give a high score because what other pizza chain offers more than just wings? I’ve never ordered wings from them but they have plenty of other things to choose from and 9 out of 10 times everything is good.

  • en

    Christy Miller


    Pizza was great, cookie brownie was delicious! Timing was perfect, I ordered on the app. By the time I was done cleaning the bathroom the driver was pulling up. Fastest time ever! He was sweet & polite. I ended up giving a $5 too which is unusual for this location... Im guessing they have a new wonderful crew !!!

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