Papa John's Pizza i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPapa John's Pizza



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1620, East 4th Street, 28204, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-375-7272
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2122979, Longitude: -80.8275249

kommentar 5

  • Kula Kemokai

    Kula Kemokai


    Very poor customer service. Manager was just rude. Order here and was told it will take about 45 minutes. An hour later we call to checked the status of our orders and they told us the orders was cancelled because they attempted to delivery but no answer. Lies!!! And the manager said we will have to come and pick up our orders. It's not that serious for a tasteless pizza!!!

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    Katherine Blackwelder


    Terrible pizza. Did not have sauce and tasted bad and dry. When I called I was not offered special with large and was charged more for medium. Staff did not give correct size pizza and we had to debate with them for correct one.

  • Mariah Lewis

    Mariah Lewis


    Papa John's is one of my favorite pizza joints. Could be 5 stars is the delivery was faster. You pay so much extra for delivery fees and they drag their feet getting hot fresh pizza to my door...

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    Suzanne Sommer


    I placed my order for delivery for 12:45. The order did not arrive until 1:30. The delivery driver had one excuse after another...people didn't show up...they are so busy...someone's car broke down. He told us that if you order online and select a delivery time those delivery times are never correct. They refused to even give us a partial credit. I will never use Papa Johns again. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE

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    Madilyn Bowman


    Placed online order for delivery. Delivery was supposed to be at 11:45am. The order was still no where in sight around 12:40pm. Really upset. Still currently waiting for delivery of pizza. When I contacted store nothing was compensated for the delay. Highly suggest not ordering from this store if you have a set time frame for lunch.

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