Optimum Laser, Inc. en Manhasset

Estados UnidosOptimum Laser, Inc.



🕗 horarios

1180, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-495-4908
sitio web: www.optimumlaserhairremoval.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7908214, Longitude: -73.7018226

comentarios 5

  • Abraham Gazit

    Abraham Gazit


    Very friendly, clean, good atmosphere. I will surely do not hesitate to use their services again and again. It is also relatively easy to park in their parking lot or out in the street.

  • en

    Dorit Eilon


    Eti and her staff are all kind and professional. Convenient location, clean and welcoming. Reasonably priced and honest people. I highly recommend it.

  • Carlos Delafuente

    Carlos Delafuente


    I just love the entire staff at AHS. Always so welcoming, friendly and professional. I do the laser hair removal. And I must say. They always make me feel as comfortable as possible and with hardly any pain or discomfort. . And very reasonably priced services as well. I'm a loyal customer and wouldn't even think about going anywhere else for these services. Thanks girls!!!

  • Joanne Ioannou

    Joanne Ioannou


    As a working mom every minute counts. Best decision I made when I decided to get laser hair removal done at AHS Salon. Eti and Sivan are an absolute pleasure. Sivan is meticulous and patient and makes you feel so comfortable throughout the whole process. My results were amazing. Its been two years since I had it done and I only need to go in once a year for a touch up. That's a walk in the park compared to all the time I would have wasted shaving. Highly recommend them!

  • Narine Tooma

    Narine Tooma


    This is an Amazing Laser Salon!! I love how they don't force you to sign contracts here, you can either buy a package for a certain area or pay per session. They price everything so well anyone can afford to be hair free! Lovely salon, always easy to make an appointment...The Laser Hair removal treatment results are AMAZING! Definitely worth it! So glad I found them!! Thank You AHS!!

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