Adelina Salon Boutique en Manhasset

Estados UnidosAdelina Salon Boutique



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500, Plandome Road, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-869-8600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.799369, Longitude: -73.70036

comentarios 5

  • Jennifer Taverna

    Jennifer Taverna


    Adelina and staff are awesome! They are knowledgeable and professional and the salon is beautiful!

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    Alexandra Marks


    Great salon, everyone has been super nice, nobody looks you up and down when you walk in... I’ve literally gone in pagamas once. Adelina gave me a great cut and color... Went back for color and some highlights, Monika had availability because I called last minute, her and Adelina consulted on the best way to get the right effect for me and the result was also fantastic. Glad I tried this place. Going back this week.

  • Philip Gilbo

    Philip Gilbo


    Been getting my haircut here with Alex going on a couple years now -- always excellent service, friendly staff, pleasant atmosphere.

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    kim porcelli


    I love Adelina Salon! Everyone is so friendly and warm. The hair cut for my son is amazing, they are the only ones who can do his hair. I love they way Adeline does my hair too!

  • Nakita Tecxidor

    Nakita Tecxidor


    Adelina's Hair Design is Amazing! My youngest sister and I have gotten Brazilian Blowouts there with Faith in the last month and are so pleased with the results!!! Being girls with frizzy curls has been quite the frustration our whole life taking up to two hours to get ready but with the Brazilian that is no longer an issue. It's literally wash and go ready. I never thought this would be possible but like magic, Faith makes it happen. I'd recommend anyone and everyone to go there and see what they can do for you. From a simple haircut to a wedding day look Adelina and her team remain professional, detailed and inviting through and through. I'm bringing my mom and other sister next

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