nuBest salon and spa en Manhasset

Estados UnidosnuBest salon and spa



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1482, Northern Boulevard, 11030, Manhasset, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-627-9444
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7932737, Longitude: -73.6918044

comentarios 5

  • Roksana Amid

    Roksana Amid


    I get my hair done by Giovana (sp?) and she's amazing . They're super kind, caring and attentive there and it's definitely worth the price. I've made the mistake of going elsewhere, nothing compares to the professional quality you get there.

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    W S


    Super overpriced if you have long thick hair... I wanted to do a Balayage but they will quote you an insane amount... unbelievable!

  • Jessica Giardina

    Jessica Giardina


    Loved it!! Will go back again Sosi and Anastasia and Suzy are the best!

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    Violeta Campos


    I love my hair and NuBest!!!! Amazing color department and staff. Renee always welcomes me with a smile!

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    Nancy Brennan


    I have had excellent experiences at Nubest. They stick to appointments beginning with shampoo and immediately followed by the stylist. There is a coat check and valet service for parking. I get great haircuts from Arlene and blowouts from her associate. They are very reasonable priced.

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