Office Depot i San Antonio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterOffice Depot



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2321, Southwest Military Drive, 78224, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 210-922-1178
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.3586456, Longitude: -98.5314269

kommentar 5

  • Ryne Gonzales

    Ryne Gonzales


    Besides the attendants taking a little bit and the machine to accept my nths card,it was good

  • elizabeth Cavalli

    elizabeth Cavalli


    Great place for all your supplies and office needs friendly staff and helpful.

  • en

    Joseph Cruz


    Its fruit season at Office Depot and the place honestly is kind of dirty but the people real helpful since i Fruit preseason for a paycheck...Jude 1 - Jude's name is Judas ... will you be an Iscariot or a brother of Jesus? ...a Judas the wolf, or a Judas the sheep? ...Judas the false brother, or Judas the brother in Christ? ...Judas from the thorny soil, or Judas from the good soil? John 12:4

  • en

    Sandy Shodeen


    Normally this is a busy, busy place, but went between 12:30-1:30pm (lunch) and it was great. Plenty of parking, no crowds, and the staff was very friendly and helpful. Lots of sales going on too!

  • eddie gutierrez

    eddie gutierrez


    After a sressful and disappointing trip to the South Side USPOffice I had to come to Office Depot just to make 2 photocopies. I was surprised to find that I could do all my mailing there. The associate who helped me was amazing. The first associate was great too, he guided me through the process. He was busy helping a few others, then the second associate jumped in. She actually calmed my nerves, showed genuine interest in what I needed to accomplish and helped get me there. Maybe skip the post office.

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