Conn's HomePlus i San Antonio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterConn's HomePlus



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2514, Southwest Military Drive, 78224, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 210-924-2900
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.3552483, Longitude: -98.5350099

kommentar 5

  • Veronica Martinez

    Veronica Martinez


    We always receive the best service at conns 👍🏻 Tony has always helped us and he’s a great sales Person. He’s very respectful and very friendly has great customer service skills. And I highly recommend yall ask for him if needing help at conns 👌🏻😊

  • Martha Cano

    Martha Cano


    It's a great place to shop with low prices. Also a great place to work at if you love being a sales person. Great staff at the SW Military Dr and Zarsamora location.

  • en

    Michael Martinez


    Went in and the sales person Marcelino was a great help,got me exactly what I was looking for a great mattress set now I will be sleeping like a king. Thanks again.

  • patricia chavez

    patricia chavez


    Mr. Lopez was a great salesman. I got to the store and he came and introduced himself and let me shop without any pressure. He has a great personality. The online application was quick and each. Thanks for everything.

  • en

    Hilda Zapata


    The customer services and friendliness was amazing. My mom told me how wonderful you all were with her in her visit. We were going to only browse, but Joey from Conn's made it easy for us to make a decision. We are a very Happy customer. Thank you Conn's

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