Ashley HomeStore i San Antonio

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAshley HomeStore



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7010, South Zarzamora Street, 78224, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 210-630-4700
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.3574896, Longitude: -98.5325906

kommentar 5

  • en

    Honey dee Love


    Great experience at this store, wonderful and kind people. Our sales man Henry Brown was amazing and very patient with us, was not rude or rushing us either like other stores we had gone that day, he was very helpful and answered all our questions without sounding annoyed (we’ve had bad experience with another furniture store). Henry made sure we were comfortable and just made us feel very relaxed not stressed. Everyone else was great also, great people skills. Thank you :)

  • Stephanie Guzman

    Stephanie Guzman


    My experience has been excellent with the Salesman, Juan. Even though I took more than a day to really think about what I wanted, he waited and was very helpful throughout the whole process. Every time I walk in there he is the person I always see. Great customer service from the start. Highly recommend him if anyone is looking for great quality furniture.

  • Alexis gutierrez

    Alexis gutierrez


    Had the pleasure of going in to buy my daughter a bed room set. And loved the great customer service that I got from Miss Mary. She took her time and showing me all the great funtuire of kids. Explained to me oh the quality of each item and especially the right size of bed and mattress for my baby girl. Answered all my questions and always very helpful. I do highly recommend Miss Mary if every shopping at Ashley's.

  • Artie Villarreal

    Artie Villarreal


    Went today to get new couches for my home. Ida greeted us and helped me and my wife pick the right couch for my family. Very patient and knowledgeable which helped to make our decision. Highly recommend and great prices!! Thanks Ida!!! Keep up with the great work.☺

  • Gerardo



    Amazing great shopping experience, I had the privilege of being shown around the store by Menhua Rodriguez the sales person, she did an amazing job of answering all my questions about their products, extremely personable and likeable salesman. If you're looking for a mattress they have a great selection if you're looking for furniture they have a great selection. I will be coming back for more products and I will recommend this location to my friends.

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