Milwaukee Delicatessen Company i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMilwaukee Delicatessen Company



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101, West 9th Street, 64105, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-471-6900
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.1035314, Longitude: -94.5842906

kommentar 5

  • Anthony Gitto

    Anthony Gitto


    Always good food and service! Can be very busy during high traffic times, so be aware!

  • Brett Creason

    Brett Creason


    Let me begin by saying I completely wanted to like this place. It sits in a great location, the space has been wonderfully restored and it pays homage to its historical roots. These are the kind of businesses I like to support. That being said, there was something off with my turkey sandwich. I isolated it to the turkey because tasting the condiments and dressing separately, I found them along with the bread, potato salad and pickle to be fantastic. It was almost like a piece of equipment (knife/slicer) had been cleaned and not all the cleaner had been removed. I’ve worked in food service and understand things happen, but I was just disappointed that the bartender seemed to have little interest in understanding what the issue was so I just paid and left. It wasn’t like the place was having a mad rush or anything. It was only half full at the time. Hopefully I just caught them on a bad day.

  • en

    Steve Hartig


    Gotta love a good deli. Had lunch there on a Saturday and was seated with no wait. Friendly and efficient wait staff. I had the corned beef sandwich which was great-nice flavorful corn beef with enough slaw to cut the fat. My wife had the pulled pork which was very enjoyable though she though it had a touch too many peppers for her taste. My only negative coo ent is that the German potato salad seemed like it could have used a touch more vinegar

  • en

    Nathan Roush


    They are always so kind and always on point. Even during busy rush times they make sure that you are individually taken care of. Food is great and pizza sizes......are........HUGE!! But like any deli should they also have great sandwiches as well. Should try this place 100%!!!

  • Alex Goldberg

    Alex Goldberg


    A wonderful local bar and restaurant with the best pizza in KC! The wait staff is always super friendly. The casual atmosphere is perfect for grabbing an evening drink. You can feel their history in their location where they opened over a hundred years ago. It is truly a hidden gem in downtown Kansas City!

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