Howl at the Moon Kansas City i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHowl at the Moon Kansas City



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1334, Grand Boulevard, 64106, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-471-4695
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.0981947, Longitude: -94.5812997

kommentar 5

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    Meghann Case


    We went for the first time in a Friday evening that happened to be 90's night. So. Fun. Good atmosphere, fair prices, and excellent music. The musicians were incredible.

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    Dana Foust


    Talented performers! I’ve also been to the Philly location but found the crowd and atmosphere much more friendly at this one. It’s hard not to enjoy yourself here!

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    Marcella Saiz


    Went here to have a fun night out with my husband for our anniversary and we had called and made reservations we got there and it was dead but it was during the week. We walked in and no one seemed to have a clue about our reservation.we first talked to bartender and he told us to talk to the Door guy who was rude. They got the manager for the night and he said no one had told him about our reservations and he was going to ck on it. The manager said that he would give a gift card but could not Refund our 50$. We told him we don’t need gift cards because we don’t live here and rarely visit KC. Manager said we would have to call GM the next day to talk to him about getting a refund.My husband and I were very up set and left. The next day a different manager call my husband and refunded our money and let us keep the gift card for when we decided to come back and try it out again. My husband and I appreciated the phone call back in a timely manner and that they were able to give us back our money! We will try it again sometime and hope for a better experience because we really enjoyed that band that played there while we were trying to get things sorted out

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    Amber Gumm


    We loved the atmosphere, first time there. The performers didn’t play either of our songs choices despite tipping them. The drinks were all mix and no alcohol. I’d go back for the atmosphere but I’d steer clear of any drink menu choice that contains mix.

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    Steve Ebey


    Private party. Wonderful staff. When we got hungry they took orders for a restaurant and added the cost to our ticket. Fun time for my wife and I and we will return on our next trip to KC.

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