J&Co Hair en Paramus

Estados UnidosJ&Co Hair



🕗 horarios

314, New Jersey 4 East, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-487-1008
sitio web: www.jandcohairstudio.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9132775, Longitude: -74.0457106

comentarios 5

  • en

    Mike Palombi


    Love Paul Ferraro there, and everyone else is friendly and attentive! We drive almost 2 hrs to get our hair done!

  • en

    Jen Yen


    On a positive, the receptionist was very welcoming. The girls who have washed my hair are very thorough. Now on to the negative, the stylist, in my case, Christina, asked one of the employees to wash my hair after she had colored it. Once I was done the girl who washed it told me to return to the seat where Christina colored it. She was working on another clients hair right next to where I sat. As I sat there with wet hair in a towel Christina included me in her conversation with the other client. Out of nowhere she said to me "you're not getting your haircut are you?" I told her no and she said "ok,you're all set then" I was horrified, she never brushed my hair or blowed it dry and it was cold out. Needless to say I will not be returning and I've let all my local gals know to stay away too. I'm sorry but not combing or brushing someone's hair after they have spent way too much for a color job, that is not even the color you requested, goes way too far. Take your money elsewhere.

  • Kelley Gottschall

    Kelley Gottschall


    Was fortunate enough to work for this salon for a very short time, but unfortunately had to leave for personal reasons. Where do I even begin? Every single employee there is extremely passionate about their craft and take much pride in the work they do. They exude excellence in every aspect of a salon from talent to precision to cleanliness to friendliness and much more. The management cares about their staff, which I feel is key to how the business is run so well. If you choose this salon, whether it's for a cut, color or highlights, wax services or just a blowout you will not be disappointed. I genuinely miss everyone there and if you're reading this and haven't been there yet, I hope you treat yourself to a service.

  • Elisheva Kelsen

    Elisheva Kelsen


    Everybody there is so sweet and warm. They give really good tips, and care very much about there clients. Personalized attention, and no pressure.

  • April Hartmann

    April Hartmann


    I've been going here since the day they opened. Great salon, talented colorists and stylists. Christina has been doing my color for a long time and I am always getting compliments from everyone on it. Always gives me exactly what I ask for, even when I try for something a little different or out of the box. Same with Judy, who cuts me. Always does a phenomenal job. All of the people here warm and welcoming and the atmosphere is great as well. Parking is convenient and so is the location. You won't be disappointed!

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