European Wax Center en Paramus

Estados UnidosEuropean Wax Center



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800, Bergen Town Center, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-291-1002
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9157461, Longitude: -74.0603037

comentarios 5

  • Verita Ogbebor

    Verita Ogbebor


    Terrible terrible terrible. I went here and had a full face wax done. My eyebrows came out too thin for my liking and I have naturally thick bushy brows. I woke up the next day with an itchy face. Then bumps started appearing all over my face where the wax touched. I’ve gotten waxed before and I’ve never had this problem. I say to stay away the discount isn’t worth the discomfort. I came in and spoke to the center and the manager said she would contact me the next day and needless to say no one has contacted me. I work retail I see, meet and interact with a lot of people needless to say they will not be getting my business and nor will I be advertising for them.

  • Rachna Kaul

    Rachna Kaul


    terrible customer service!! they checked me in and then said, oh wait you are a no show because you are ten minutes past the time. (i routinely wait 15 minutes past my appointment time to be brought inside.) except it took them at least a minute to check me in, so I was there at the 9 minute mark (which the woman informed me was the cut off). they were extremely rude in offering to reschedule and then saying nothing was available--offered another person today, again said oops not available. no eye contact. my waxer, Kristina, came out (I would have been called next) during this whole thing, took the next person, didn't make eye contact and went back in. i will NOT be returning and will make sure to tell my friends and people in my mom groups that they have extremely poor customer service. it was empty today. i wonder why.

  • Danielle Nielsen

    Danielle Nielsen


    If I could give this location no stars, I would. The level of unprofessionalism I saw from all employees was absolutely despicable. My waxer simply called my name, and did not say a word to me throughout the wax...Not even a how are you? Needless to say, I looked in the mirror and she left so much hair under my brows that could've been easily plucked. I feel like I need to be waxed again. I am so unhappy with European Wax Center and will now reconsider ever going back to any location.

  • en

    Jamie Williams


    LOVE this location. I go with Cierra.She takes her time and does an amazing job.

  • en

    I V


    Sadly I parted my ways with this location today due to unbelievable rude customer service. Never again I'll use this location!!! I had my appointment at 2PM, came in 7 min late. Instead of 2 receptionists at the front desk there was one that was taking her time talking to another customer. I patiently waited until I'll be next. Few minutes later another receptionist walked in and after I gave her my name, she advised me that my technician already took another customer and she'll put me with someone else because I was late for my appointment. First off, you don't go telling your customers who come for Brazilian bikini that you'll "put them" with someone else. This is not a type of service that people will be comfortable with just random technicians so please learn that. Second when I pointed out that when I come in for my appointment on time, which always happened for the past more than 3 years, I don't demand be taken right away and always patiently wait for 5 or more minutes to be taken so why does it not work the other way? To that I was told by this receptionist that the rules are to take another customer after 9 min wait. So here we are already arguing for few minutes, another customer is already using my appointment time since at least 2:05 and when I said I can wait for that client to finish so I'll take her time than, I was advised that there is someone else booked right after her. Meaning that someone else was booked for my appointment, used my time and no remorse here. There was no logic here, no apologies and when I asked to speak to the manager, I was advised they don't have managers. Wow, that a great place, receptionists destroying business while there is no one to supervise their behavior and attitude. Oh well, I don' need this aggravation for my own money and definitely taking my business someone else. Too sad that one incompetent receptionist is ruling and ruining someone's business as I am sure I am not the only one who dealt with such an attitude and rudeness.

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