Hotel San Carlos i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterHotel San Carlos


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202, North Central Avenue, 85004, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 602-253-4121
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.4506, Longitude: -112.074

kommentar 5

  • Jessina Clasen

    Jessina Clasen


    Very nice hotel with unique atmosphere. Unfortunately, there is no in room thermostat so it is warmer than I would prefer. Good pool area and decent rooms though.

  • Jesse Sledge

    Jesse Sledge


    Clean rooms, great location. I love classic buildings and this fit the bill. Right in downtown Phoenix and close to great food and drink options.

  • Allan Kristiansen

    Allan Kristiansen


    There is no insulation between rooms! Very loud! It may be historic etc., but if you need a night to sleep this isn't the place! Plane and simple! They will not give you a refund even if it is completely warranted. Buyer beware.

  • D Wright

    D Wright


    Park in the public garage on Van Buren (same block). Self park is $13 approx. for the night. FUNKY old hotel. Very original! Small room, but nice. Cool old fixtures everywhere. The best feature is the rooftop pool and lounge. Restaurants, bars, and sports venues are all very close.

  • en

    Laura Lemmo


    This place was actually pretty neat. Lot of history. . . It is quite old be very well kept. The staff is very friendly and accommodating. And you can't beat the location. You can pretty much walk to anywhere DTNPHX

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